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11 Tips On AutoCAD Commands That Will Take Your CAD Drawing Skills To The Next Level

11 Tips On AutoCAD Commands That Will Take Your CAD Drawing Skills To The Next Level

Drawing floor plan is a tedious task. But with the help of some AutoCAD commands, it can be made much simpler and easy to achieve. In this post we will present you 11 AutoCAD Commands that are considered as the top 10 when it comes to drawing floor plans easily.


AutoCAD is a powerful computer-aided design (CAD) software used by engineers, architects, and other professionals to create 2D and 3D drawings. The software has a wide range of features and commands that can be used to create almost any type of drawing.

if you're just getting started with AutoCAD, or if you want to improve your CAD drawing skills, there are a few commands that you should learn. These commands will help you to create drawings more quickly and effectively.

The first command that you should learn is the COPY command. This command allows you to copy objects in your drawing. For example, if you want to create multiple copies of a object, you can use the COPY command to do so.

Another useful command is the MOVE command. This command allows you to move objects in your drawing. This is helpful if you want to reposition an object or if you want to create some empty space in your drawing.

The last command that we'll discuss is the ROTATE command. This command allows you to rotate objects in your drawing. This is helpful if you want to change the orientation of an object or if you want to create some interesting symmetrical

Plotting Drawing

If you want to take your CAD skills to the next level, then you need to start plotting your drawings. Plotting is a process of printing out your drawings so that you can have a physical copy that you can hold in your hand. This is a great way to check your work and make sure that everything is accurate.

To plot a drawing, you first need to open the Plot dialog box. You can do this by going to the File menu and selecting Plot. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P.

Once the Plot dialog box is open, you need to select the printer that you want to use. If you don't have a printer connected, you can select the PDF option and choose where you want to save the file.

After you've selected a printer, you need to choose the paper size and orientation. Then, you need to specify the area that you want to plot. You can either plot the entire drawing or just a portion of it.

Once you've made all of your selections, you can click on the Plot button to print out your drawing.

5 Tips on Keyboard Shortcuts

1. Use the right keyboard shortcuts

There are plenty of keyboard shortcuts that can make your life easier when you’re using AutoCAD. If you want to improve your efficiency and speed up your work, it’s worth taking the time to learn some of the most useful shortcuts.

2. Know what commands are available

One of the best ways to become more efficient in AutoCAD is to know what commands are available and how to use them. There’s no need to waste time trying to figure out how to do something when you can simply look it up in the help files or online.

3. Use AutoLISP for customizations

AutoLISP is a powerful tool that allows you to customize AutoCAD to suit your needs. If there’s something you always find yourself doing in a certain way, chances are there’s an AutoLISP function that can automate it for you.

4. Take advantage of third-party add-ons

5.There are many third-party add-ons available for AutoCAD that can help you save time and improve your workflow. Do some research and see if there are

5 Useful AutoCAD Commands for Editing Line and Text Properties

If you want to take your AutoCAD skills to the next level, then you need to learn how to use some of the more advanced editing commands. These commands can help you make changes to your drawings much faster and with greater precision.

1. The first command that you should learn is the Stretch command. This command can be used to lengthen or shorten lines, as well as move objects around. To use the Stretch command, simply select the object that you want to modify and then press Enter.

2. The second command is the Offset command. This command can be used to create a copy of an object that is offset from the original. This is useful for creating things like doorways and windows. To use the Offset command, select the object that you want to copy and then press Enter.

3. The third command is the Trim command. This command is used to remove portions of objects that extend past a certain point. To use the Trim command, select the object that you want to trim and then press Enter.

4. The fourth command is the Extend command. This command is used to extend objects past a certain point. To use the Extend command, select the object that


With these AutoCAD tips, you'll be able to take your CAD drawings to the next level. If you haven't been using AutoCAD for very long, or if you're just starting out, these commands will help you improve the quality of your work. With a little practice, you'll be an expert in no time. Thanks for reading!
